Jelenleg a 6.6.1 verzió van már. A Watchout 6.3 release legfőbb újítása volt az RTTrPM protokoll kezelése. (Real Time Tracking Protocol - Motion).
Ez az új input lehetővé teszi a média cue-k számára, hogy valós 3D objektumok forgását, térbeli pozíciójának változását lekövessék.
Alap RTSP audio támogatás. Fokozták a Dynamic Image Server és NDI média stabilitását és teljesítményét.
A geometriai korrekciókat még precízebben és élesebben lehet elvégezni.
Részletekért tekintse meg a release notes-t vagy töltse le a WATCHOUT 6.3-at innen. Ez egy ingyenes upgrade a version 6 felhasználói számára.
A 6.3 óta már a 6.6-nál tartanak, azóta az alábbiak történtek:
WATCHOUT Release Notes:
Dataton WATCHOUT® version 6.6.1
Released March 26, 2020
This release focuses on fixes, mainly concerning playback of live and H.264 video.
- Playback performance of live video has been optimized. Previously the display software could hang in some situations, if you had too many Live Video cues running at the same time.
- An issue with H.264 playback has been fixed. Video in this format occasionally failed to play on the WATCHPAX 40 and WATCHPAX 60 media servers, when not using hardware acceleration.
- Going online with a show including Geometry Correction and Live Video could cause a crash. This has now been resolved.
- Remote access is now available from the right-click menu when in offline mode.
- 3D Projector position is imported correctly from a domeprojection setup.
Dataton WATCHOUT® version 6.6
Released February 21, 2020
This release includes a major version update of NewTek NDI® (4.1) as well as significant improvements in audio latency and playback. It also includes bug fixes and improvements to existing functionality.
Improvements and fixes
- It is now possible to rotate RTTrPM data (as used by CAST BlackTrax systems) 90 degrees to simplify floor projections.
- The real-time tracking origin can now be offset relative to the WATCHOUT origin.
- Tracking input positional components are now in WATCHOUT pixel units.
- All tracking inputs now share the same origin in order to maintain the correct relation between tracked cues.
- The Test Connection button now works correctly after changing IP in the display dialog.
- The stage view direction (Front, Top or Left) is now preserved in the show file, and properly restored when loading the show.
- A bug has been fixed which could cause broken frames during hardware-accelerated video playback.
- Cancellation of media import now works as expected.
- Improved image sequence playback on auxiliary timelines when triggered from the production interface.
- Output cues now respect layer conditions.
- The production software could run out of memory while importing large WAV files, this has now been fixed.
- The WATCHOUT splash screen no longer appears while pushing new media in Live Update mode if a -NoLogo command has been specified.
- A bug regarding usage of digits in tracking input names fixed. A memory leak related to H.264 and WAV playback has been fixed.
- The production software could crash while initializing ASIO devices, this has been addressed.
- Inconsistencies in WATCHOUT logging fixed.
Known issues and limitations
- Remote access is not available from right-click menu when in offline mode.
- Leaving an NDI media cue might cause overall playback to stutter momentarily.
- Production software will crash if a deleted Virtual Display cue is re-added using undo.
- The production software may crash if more than one display is connected while the show-cache is being rebuilt.
Dataton WATCHOUT® version 6.5
Released October 1, 2019
This version enables use of SDI (Serial Digital Interface) as an output on select Dataton media servers. It also includes improvements to existing functionality and bug fixes.
New in version 6.5
- SDI support on select Dataton media servers.
- Ability to edit command-line options of display software through File menu on select Dataton media servers.
Improvements and fixes
- It is now possible to set a different Stage Size than resolution for 3D Mapping Projectors.
- Multi-editing of dropdown menu items for displays now works correctly.
- File transfer and media analysis speed to server is now faster and no longer dependent on the number of screens/resolution.
Known issues and limitations
- The production software occasionally fails to establish a remote desktop connection to a media server if the server has multiple high-resolution displays connected ot it. Re-trying after a few seconds solves the issue.
- The display software menu does not always appear when remote accessing a WATCHPAX 60 that is only running SDI outputs. To resolve this, close down and reactivate remote access.
- There is up to one frame latency between SDI and DisplayPort outputs, with SDI outputs being behind. Latency is dependent on the show refresh rate and whether external synchronization is used or not.
- Setting a fixed IP through the WATCHOUT startup script can cause NDI streams to stop working on display computers.
- Image sequence performance may be considerably better on the main timeline than on auxiliary timelines (tasks).
- There may be additional latency when running audio (embedded or separated) in auxiliary timelines (tasks) compared to the main timeline.
- Audio may have up to +100ms latency compared to video.
- The display software may fail to go into fullscreen mode after having been in window mode. Relaunching the software solves the issue.
- Audio may start playing slightly before the video in RTSP streams.
- Audio streams in NewTek NDI are not supported.
- Seeking in hardware-accelerated videos might display the incorrect frame in a paused state. H.264/AVC is limited to level 5.2. Videos encoded using a higher level will not be rendered.
- Seeking can produce image artifacts for hardware-accelerated H.264 video.
- Hardware-accelerated video may be rendered one frame late.
- Hardware-accelerated video decoding is disabled for looping media.
- Looping video with embedded audio might drift out of sync, if the audio stream is longer than the video (our recommendation is to use audio on a separate layer).
- If the network connection is lost between the production and display computers during an active show, the display software may unload the show and display the WATCHOUT logo screen when connection is regained.
Dataton WATCHOUT® version 6.4.1
Released July 16, 2019
This release contains a number of fixes.
- Triggering a task in the display software, by setting an input variable, now works correctly.
- The remote upgrade now works on Dataton media servers that have a fixed IP address set in the startup script.
- Sending a "setInput" command to the display software, while it has no show running, will no longer cause a crash.
- Fixed bugs related to multi-editing of displays.
- Fixed bugs in the text editing dialog.
- Some changes could be made in the Task Window, without the user being prompted to save the show afterwards. This has been resolved.
- Fixed several bugs concerning playback of presplit images, which could result in a crash in the display software.
- Resolved an issue where the timecode format wasn’t changed to the selected value.
- The production software could crash if the selected timecode device was disconnected and timecode control was disabled. This has now been fixed.
- Fixed a crash bug that could occur when editing display masks.
- "Check Diagonal" in audio output channel assignment now works.
- Resolved a crash bug that could occur when a 3D model cue was copied and pasted.
- Fixed a potential crash bug that could occur when going online on a slow or busy network.
- The maximum number of decoding threads for H.264/AVC video has been limited to 8 to avoid running out of memory on servers with a high CPU core count.
Dataton WATCHOUT® version 6.4
Released May 7, 2019
This version contains some new features, such as MPCDI file import and task folders, and fixes some issues.
MPCDI file import
You can now import display and projector calibration data from MPCDI (Multiple Projection Common Data Interchange) files. Please consult the user’s guide for more information.
Task folders
Auxiliary timelines can now be grouped and organized into folders in the task window. The order of timelines, folders, and timelines in folders, all affect the stacking order when rendered.
Dragging and dropping tasks to change their order, and place them in folders, has been reworked to be more intuitive.
Custom cue colors
You can now set custom colors on cues, either on different types of cues through the Preferences dialog, or on individual cues in their corresponding dialog.
Other new features
- Manual pre-roll can now be applied on all kinds of media cues, not just video and audio.
- You can open a capture card control panel on Dataton media servers, where applicable.
- The task window can now be locked, to prevent any unwanted changes in stacking order, trigger conditions etc.
- Cues are always rendered and pre-rolled, regardless of opacity, resulting in smoother playback in cues that are faded in.
- HAP video can utilize more than 16 logical CPU cores if encoded with more than 16 chunks. This can increase HAP video performance on high-end media servers.
- Improved overall performance on Windows 10 media servers to resolve some instances of choppy playback.
- The process of entering or exiting fullscreen mode has been improved.
- Enhanced NDI performance and stability (update to NDI 3.8)
- An issue with preloading from version 6.3 has been fixed. This could cause glitches and/or poor performance of any media playback, when jumping on the timeline or using play/pause cues.
- The production software will no longer hang if you delete a virtual display device while its corresponding media is being used in a media cue.
- Replacing any media cue by a DMX media no longer causes the production software to crash.
- The display software could turn black when connecting/disconnecting a display, if there was no show running. This has been fixed.
- In Windows 10, the show’s refresh rate was not set correctly on certain displays/projectors. This has been resolved.
- When calibrating a 3D projector while there were multiple 3D objects on different stage tiers, WATCHOUT placed the calibration points on all those objects, not just those on the same tier as the projector. This has been fixed.
- Timecode now works with non 44.1 kHz devices.
See notes on version 6.3 for known issues
Dataton WATCHOUT® version 6.3.1
Released November 16, 2018.
This update contains some tweaks and fixes.
- Hardware acceleration of H.264 video is disabled for WATCHMAX 2 models WX7100 and WX9100 due to incorrect handling in MainConcept codec which may cause frame corruptions.
- NDI has been updated to version 3.7.2.
- Fixed an issue with the Network window where non-Dataton media servers were listed incorrectly.
- Fixed memory leak when importing audio files.